Saturday, August 20, 2011

I Won!

This is the last weekend of our summer break, and I am bummed.  However, I am excited about winning a giveaway!  Yes, I am the lucky owner of a beautiful banner made by Alicia at La Famille.  If you haven't checked out her blog, you simply must!  Alicia is a very creative and talented young mom who writes beautiful and heartfelt stories about her family life.   When Alicia's banner arrived, I knew that it would be perfect for my corner cabinet...
Thanks, Alicia!  Even though school is starting soon, a glance at my corner cabinet will remind me of  fun summer days!


  1. Wow! Lucky you. It looks really nice in your corner cabinet with all of your whiteware. I definately think that you should buy an occasional lottery ticket.(-:

  2. a great way to start the school year! congrats!

  3. you're very welcome, miss. and it looks adorable there :)

  4. That's cute. I really love that tea-pot.

  5. Perfect. I love it there. You were meant to be the winner.
    School starts here as well next week.
    August always goes so fast. Hope it all goes well for you.

  6. Congrats! It's always exciting to win stuff.

  7. Congratulations Heather...The banner looks perfect on your corner cabinet. Love the blue and chartreuse green combo. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  8. I love the colors of your banner. It looks perfect with your corner cupboard. Your green apples lend the perfect touch. Enjoy every second of this weekend. We have 2 more weeks left before school starts.

  9. oh how cute!! Congratulations it looks adorable on your little corner cabinet!! ~Love Heather

  10. That is a lovely banner! Very charming! Congratulations.

  11. Congrats on the giveaway win! What fun! Your corner cabinet looks so fresh and elegant! I am now looking at mine thinking it's a little too busy...maybe I need to do some editing! I love the colors of the flowers and apples and how they are all tied together by the colors in the banner! Your photo should be on the cover of BH&G! Best wishes as you return to the busy hustle bustle of the school year!

  12. Hello Heather,

    Thank you for your comments.You seemed to have had a nice trip,,to NY. I love the cupcakes, they look so good!

  13. Good for you!! I love the banner, and i love all your vignettes.The white is so pretty.


  14. It's PERFECT....Love the colors..size and it's just the right spot on your beautiful cabinet..

    Congrats on winning!!
    Love all the goodies you have on the shelves too, very pretty.

  15. congrats heather! It looks fantastic with your gorgeous corner cabinet. I always love to see how you decorate it.

  16. Clearly you rock. I think that banner is cleverly disguised as a
    "hooray! let's get the kids back to school!" banner. :)
    xo Jeanne @bkb.

  17. congrats!!!
    Love your blog!

    Follow me if you like my blog and let me know it!
    I'll follow you back. :)

  18. How wonderful! congratulations!!!!!! Hugs

  19. Heather,
    My, you are a lucky girl! That banner is adorable and it looks great there! Love the cabinet and the way you have it decorated!

  20. Congrats Heather!! It looks so cute draped on that corner cabinet. (but then again every thing looks cute displayed in your corner cabinet! I need to get one of those for me!!)

  21. you must be a busy girl!! I just wanted to say Hi! I hope all is well.

  22. So pretty! Summer is over and school is in session. Is kind of sad isn't it? Working again this year? Hope you and yours are off to a great start!
