Sunday, November 20, 2011


Hello!  There's been a few bumps along the road at Love and Life at Leadora, but things are much better now.  Today, we had a visitor....

Yes, it's a peahen!   According to Wikipedia, in Babylonia and Persia, the peacock is seen as a guardian to royalty.  Here at Love and Life at Leadora, I am definitely the queen, but truthfully the peacocks come to eat the flowers and plants in my yard.   

Now only if they would leave me a few of their beautiful feathers!


  1. How pretty they are! And the female is up so high...she probably realizes how lovely she looks up there against the sky.

  2. How pretty they are! I think they should leave you just a few feathers. Only seems fitting when they are snacking on your plants. :)

  3. My, oh my. They almost don't seem real. How wonderful that you were able to capture them...even if your yard is a salad bar.

  4. They seriously just wander on your property. We get turkey buzzards and there isn't much beauty in them.
    Happy Thanksgiving. I have missed your posts.

  5. i too have missed your posts! hope life is better now! when i didn't see you, i figured you were subbing a lot. my mom even asked where you were!
    nice bird... pretty nervy showing up at this time in the month, eh?

  6. Wow! Those are amazing! Can't believe you had peacocks showing up in your yard. I've only seen them in zoos! lol

  7. Hi Heather,
    Wow! How pretty! Glad to hear you are doing well and I hope the "bumps in the road" weren't too serious! Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Well you definately have some beautiful birds come to visit you!! Here on the prairies you will never see a peacock!!!

  9. Heather,
    glad to hear things are better! Peacocks are beautuful and loud! We had one that lived down the street from us at the "crazy lady's" house for years and you could hear it from a long way off!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Aren't they just the prettiest of birds! Maybe they'll leave you with a few feathers as payment for the eaten flowers, etc.

  11. Wow! How exciting! Glad things are better.

  12. I love that the peahen validates your role as queen! ~looking out my window...none in sight :(

  13. So happy to see you back again. I'm sorry about the bumps, hope everything has smoothed out. xo

  14. How cool is that!!! You got some great shots of it.
    Hope that you had a wonderful holiday.

  15. Wouah! Heather very nice pictures, nice to see you back!

  16. It's funny how they carry themselves like royalty too. You seem to be ok with them eating your plants. I guess you want some of their beautiful feathers. They are beautiful.
